Counter Terrorist Training
Seminar Syllabus and Courses
The following course seminars for presentation:
- Suicide Bombers, management and containment.
- Suicide Car and Truck Bombings.
- History of Suicide Attacks.
- First responders to terrorism.
- Behavior under duress course
- Drug trafficking and terrorism..
- Border Control Course.
- Intelligence and Body Language.
- Advanced Body Language Course.
- Identification of Middle Eastern Travelers.
- Israeli Airport Security,.
- World's worst airport security set ups,
- Aviation security awareness course.
- Aviation security improvements course
- Terrorism analysis and the effects on World Aviation.
- Aviation security awareness course,
- Infiltrating Terror Sleeper Cells
- The Militant Islamic Threat.
- Counter Mass Homicide Course (Mall and Campus Security)
- Bomb threat planning and Management
- Media under fire, security awareness course for TV/Media operating in hot spots.
- Who is the Shahid (Islamic Martyr).
- Know the enemy.
- Shopping mall security awareness.
- Rail transport security.
- Places of worship awareness course.
- Sensitive buildings and installations (Refineries/ petro-chemical plants, Banks) security awareness course.
- Women in Islam-An insight into the plight of Muslim women as an oppressed sex.
Keynote Presenter
Daniel Sharon is a retired 28-year veteran of the Israeli Security Forces. His responsibilities have included the civil administration and jurisdiction of 35,000 residents of an area approximately 100 square kilometers. He is experienced in counter terrorism, intelligence, weapons, and body language. His achievements include being an Israeli Police Commander in the Golan Heights, the Bravery Medal Award, Police Officer of the Year Award, and the disarming of a suicide bomber, which lead to the development of the Counter-action Manual. The presenter's fields of expertise are counter-terror evaluation, identification of suicide bombers, their containment and disarmament, operational behavior, body language, intelligence, airport, aviation, and perimeter security, bomb management and containment planning, exposure and infiltration into criminal and terrorist organizations, and training police forces and security personnel.
Course Overviews
Suicide Bombers
This course will provide detailed information on suicide bombers. It also compares the different techniques, research, development, competition and characteristics of various terrorist organizations in the world, which rely on the suicide bombers to achieve as much carnage as possible. The course will include the uses of “body language and intelligence” as one of the tools for assisting departments, in daily operations, to contain, manage, and eliminate the suicide bomber threat.
Suicide Car and Truck Bombings
This course is designed to introduce to officers the dangers of suicide car bombers as a mode of operation used by terrorists. After completing the course officers will be able to use body language to identify suspicious drivers, identify suspicious vehicles, verify driver’s intentions through his reactions, and realize whether or not the vehicle is a car bomb.
History of suicide attacks
The course is an introduction to the history of suicide attacks throughout the ages, from the biblical days of Samson and the Philistines up to modern times, showing the development of suicide attacks and logistics used to deliver and terrorize populations throughout the world, during World War 2 by the Japanese and the Nazis up to the modern day suicide bombers that have emerged from the various Islamic Extremist Terror Groups and other Para-military groups such as the Tamil Tigers, The IRA, Extremist political splinter groups.
First Responders to Terrorism
The course is targeted to a multi dimensional security audience of police, security guards, undercover agents and tactical response units. The course is designed to equip the patrol police officer, security officer and all security personnel with the necessary knowledge and training to be an active first responder in any terror related incident that he or she may encounter.
The instructor will give the audience all the necessary training to act with split second timing and on the spot reactions to prevent a terror incident from taking place at any given place, whether it maybe an airport, seaport, shopping mall, school, university, place of worship, train or bus station, petro/chemical plant, hotels, or any public institution..
The audience will see how to become an active first responder by using Advanced Body Language Training (360 Degree BL ID).The audience will see how to take the shot in a spilt second decision under duress and will be shown simulation plus practical shooting exercises on a firing range.
Behavior under duress and extreme stress situations
Examines the way that certain people behave when faced by extreme dangers, life threatening situations, persons subjected to witness atrocities, murders etc. How they can overcome the situations if possible, also examines in brief the mental preparations in force as training that person to carry on as normal.
Narcotics trafficking and the links to Terrorism
Countries throughout the world, whether in the Middle East, Europe, USA and Latin America have been plagued with the problems of how to contain the flow of dangerous drugs, attempting to curb the traffic of narcotics and to block the direct funding of terrorism and criminal organizations by it. The instructor will show the audiences the main suppliers of "Global Narcotics", their links world wide to "International Terrorism", "Money Laundering Operations", third world countries involved in such trade and who is protecting their country's interests to capitalize on human misery and fear. He will also show how the drug lords intimidate peasants by kidnapping, extortion and murder as a tool against law enforcement involved fighting Narcotics trafficking.
Border Control
The state of Israel has always taken pride in it’s way of dealing with border control having being surrounded on all sides by vengeful Arab States and Terror Organizations seeking it’s destruction by any means possible whether by infiltrations over the borders or general wars, armies against armies. Since Peace accords were signed by Egypt and Jordan in recent years most of Israel’s Borders with the former are generally quiet and enjoying trade and peace with its neighbors, other than criminal and terrorist elements involved in cross border terrorism, drug smuggling and other criminal activities. The instructor will show the audience how to contain illegal criminal traffic and terrorists from penetrating its borders, and to contain it to a minimum.
Intelligence and Body Language
This seminar will be broken down into two subjects: intelligence and body language. The intelligence portion of the seminar is designed to improve your work in security by better understanding intelligence as a tool for gathering information, helping investigations, planning operations, assessing given situations, evaluating sources of information, and counter-acting potential threats. The body language portion of the seminar is designed to sharpen your body's senses while improving the quality of security; identifying criminal activities; countering shoplifting, organised criminal gangs, suspicious people, and terrorists, all of who wish to endanger our communities.
Advanced 360 Degree Body Language Course
The course is targeted towards an audience of Military and Police Commanders, S.W.A.T., Security Chiefs, Airport/Seaport Security Personnel, Immigration Personnel, The course will show the use of 'Advanced Body Language' as an inseparable support tool in the prevention of terrorism and the identification of potential dangers. The course will show the specific use of 'Body Language Identification' instead of the reliance totally on Technology as an indicator of danger. The course will show the advantages of 'Body Language' in contrast to any other modern day gadgets in use today by security.
Identification of Middle Eastern Travelers
The goal of this seminar is to equip persons working in a security environment in any airport or seaport to be able with the use of Body Language/ Intelligence to be able to identify travelers from any Middle Eastern country, by their passport, cities, towns, villages, regions, physical make up, Arabic accents, whether or not they pose a threat.
The course is designed to expose terrorists, before they can become a threat and will provide intelligence of possible attacks in the making.
Airport Security
The goal of this seminar is to teach law enforcement and security personnel how to identify terrorist threats, in an airport environment, before they are carried out. Students will learn the “Human Factor” is the root cause of threat and nothing else. Students will understand how to contain and curb “Suicide Bombers” and all those who wish to harm innocent people through the use of “Body Language and Intelligence.” Students will understand how to identify travelers as genuine persons or potential threats, at the same time they will understand how to prevent such threats from entering an airport terminal to carry out an attack.
Terrorism Analysis and the effects on Aviation
The goal in this seminar is to teach the participants that El-Qaeda is not the only player in Global Terrorism, and there are others in the fields that are a bigger threat to world airports and aviation as a whole. The presenter will show that there are far more groups who can muster ten fold the fire power and logistics of El-Qaeda, who are supported by radical regimes, such as Iran and Syria and virtually have endless resources to carry out major attacks.
Aviation security awareness course
This seminar is targeted to an audience of TSA, Air line security, air marshals, and air crew members. The course is in direct response to a personal incident on a Delta Flight from New York to Tel Aviv in September, 2009. A Palestinian woman that went berserk on the flight was restrained by me and had I not restrained her, a security incident would have occurred involving an emergency landing would have taken place. The woman on landing handed over to the Israeli Authorities by me and detained.
Aviation security improvements course.
This seminar focuses on what can be done to improve airport, aircraft and aviation security in general. Amsterdam Airport was taken as a model of poor security training, where some of the electronic counter measures are not operational, where the security personnel are of poor training. Minimal body language training in operation at the security checks.
Infiltrating Terror Sleeper Cells
This seminar is targeted to a wide audience of police and intelligence agents. It will show how Israeli Police use intelligence methods to infiltrate terror groups and the methodology, which leads to containing and managing terrorism. From this seminar officers will learn different approaches to gathering intelligence against terrorists, an understanding of the problems associated with guarding International borders, and the importance of the use of multilingual officers. Students will be able to blend into terrorist organizations. Students will become skilled in identifying whether a person is from a particular area by linking his name with his town or village and be able to tell if a person is being truthful about his identity.
The Militant Islamic Threat
The goal of this seminar is to teach students how to identify the militant Islamic Threats against us in a democratic society. This seminar will show how to understand the reality of the threats against the USA/Europe. The instructor will present a historical review of terrorism and identify countries that support terrorism and Islamic radicalism. He will explain terrorist activities up to September 11th, 2001 and give a historical review of global terrorism. This seminar will show why America, Britain and Israel are hated so much and how to contain the threats by awareness and understanding of problematic issues in the Middle East and the Palestinian questions. The course focuses on the motivation to carry out attacks against the US/Europe and the advantages to radical Islamic movements of such attacks as well as what can be done to by the security personnel to stop them.
Bomb Threat Planning and Management
Bombings, attempted bombings and bomb threats can cause extreme disruption, fear, and even panic in organizations whose personnel are not trained to handle such situations. Inappropriate and costly management decisions are often made due to a lack of organizational planning and a methodology for handling bomb threats, suspicious packages, and actual devices.
This program is aimed at personnel in Government, Police Commanders and Private Industry who wish to improve their understanding of the growing bombing trend, and who are responsible for or have a vested interest in planning for protection against such events.
Information on bombing trends and targets will be discussed, along with specific concerns pertaining to bomb threats that should be part of vulnerability assessments, planning, and decision making.
Detailed information will be presented on developing a bomb threat plan, employee training and management decision making.
Media under fire course
Media operating under very dangerous conditions in hot spots around the world where the reporting crews come under attack from radicals and Para- military groups are what are known as easy targets with many of them that are killed, wounded, kidnapped and subjected to atrocities. The course is designed to show with security awareness training in such areas, how to survive and stay alive.
Who is the Shahid?
An insight to the Islamic Martyr (Shahid). The course seminar examines the motivation, psychological motivation to want to die in the name of Islam, from the recruitment through the learning centers, training in the terrorist group, indoctrination and the brainwashing and the belief that the martyr will find the "Garden of Eden" and 72 virgins that will serve him when he meets Allah
Know the enemy
An insight into terrorist counter measures against security forces, which examines how the terrorist groups survey police and security operations against them and form a counter plan to avoid capture and exposure. The course examines the ways in which a terrorist is instructed by his operators, the terror training manuals and basic instructions that they receive in order that they may have to succeed in their operations against the security forces.
It gives an insight into Israeli security counter measures to foil the terror group's plans.
Shopping mall security awareness course
The course will show security managers Israeli methodology in preventive security at shopping malls after countless attacks and the need to place security guards outside mall entrances to prevent terrorists from entering a mall and carrying out mass murder. The course will show what logistics are needed to prevent such attacks from occurring. The course will show the training methods involved to ensure the safety of shoppers at a mall.
Rail transport security
The course will show how to implement security awareness in railway stations in the light, and the aftermath of the bombings at Madrid train station and the London underground system. The pitfalls and the vulnerability of the rail systems all over the USA and Europe as a whole. The instructor will show how to prevent terrorism from striking at these vulnerable forms of transport.
Places of worship security awareness course
The course is targeted to police, private security companies, churches, synagogues and all places of worship as one .In contrast to other security awareness courses, this is a course which has a slight difference, in the concept that there are two bodies involved at any particular location, whether it be a church, synagogue or a minority temple.
The two main bodies involved are the security companies that employ guards and the place of worship, where the congregations have to appoint security wardens alongside a security guard to identify the local congregation and to deter strangers from entering the building unchecked.
The role of the security warden is purely voluntary and is not intended to replace the guard's role in the prevention of terrorism or violence against the place of worship. The warden is there to assist in identifying the congregations of the various denominations at risk. All Western religions, especially Christianity and minority religions are at risk from Islamic Radical Terrorism.
The warden will only be on duty during prayers or functions outside the place of worship alongside the guard. Both will be trained to identify potential threats.
Sensitive Buildings, Banks, Refinery/Petro-Chemical Plants Preventive Security Course
The course is a 1 -2 days training seminar and will show the attendees, how to protect a major installation, at the minimum of cost to the administration, it will show that humans are the source of all security threats and not things! It will show how to secure an installation while using existing equipment installed for security purposes. Other than the extra cost of building and adding concrete obstacle blocks at access points, there should be no serious additional costs to the clients in maintaining a tighter security complex. The course is intended to minimize the possibilities of a mega terror attack taking place at major oil or chemical installations. Or even a bank robbery taking place, It will show how to identify the dangers. It is not intended to replace tactical police units as responders to such incidents but to aid the security working at the plant and to show them how to analyze the dangers and threats, and to be able to act as first responders at any given location.. The attendees will be shown how to slow down the possibility of terror attack being successful.
Women in Islam
Examines the plight of women as an oppressed sex under strict Islamic laws (Shahria). The ways women are treated as second class citizens, family honor killings as a pretense of saving the family name. Executions of women wrongly accused of adultery, prostitution. Primitive practices in force to purify women by Islamic Barbarism.
Who should attend?
This program is for Airport security, First Responders, Police, SWAT and Tactical Response Teams, Security, Directors, Financial Security Managers( Bank Security), Loss Prevention & Risk Managers, Security Specialists and Emergency Managers involved in Security Crisis Management. Executives and Business Owners, who are responsible for Security Planning, Operations, TV and media crews, Decision Makers, or those who are parts of a Crisis Management Team would also benefit from attendance.